The most important relationship is the one with yourself
We all have something to give
Vision without action is just a day dream
Those who matter don’t mind
I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be
There is no such thing as a finish line
The only way out is through
Hustle until your haters ask if you’re hiring
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
We’re all just stories in the end, just make sure yours is a good one
Be yourself, everyone else is already taken
Expect nothing and Appreciate everything
Trust the timing of your life
No one is you, and that is your power
Self-love is not selfish
And there she was off to change the world
No rain no flowers
Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody
Accept what you can’t control
There are no mistakes only lessons
You get what you give
Be where your feet are
Raise your head princess, your crown is falling
Live your life in such a way that if spoken badly about, no one would believe it
Life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% your attitude towards it
Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end
What is meant for you will find it‘s way to you
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
You are stronger than you think you are
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain
It’s nice to be important but more important to be nice
Be kind to everyone, especially yourself
Success is not only what you achieve in your life but what you inspire others to achieve
No one is you and that’s your power
Embrace change, encourage growth and always leave room for spontaneity
The best we can do is to do the best we can
Work hard play harder