“As in 2021 and 2022, dopamine dressing looks like it’s here to stay”, says Downes.“After the Barbiecore trend sparked last year, the popularity of hot pink isn’t showing any signs of slowing down across all fashion sectors including underwear. In 2022, we launched a number of pink collections and these are proving to be some of our best-sellers. Our focus is on fit, premium materials and products that are built to last, so ensuring colours are seasonless is really important to us. We’ve added Burnt Orange, French Navy, Merlot, Olive and Storm Grey to our collections, all shades which we likely wouldn’t have seen a few years ago and we’ll continue to add more colour throughout 2023.”
“In addition, we’re continuing to introduce elements of texture across our collections including our exclusive Monogram Mesh which is a sheer fabric featuring our logo, our geometric Sheer Deco sheer jacquard, as well as our Tencel seamless which feels soft like cashmere but is derived from birch pulp.”
Tagged: Lingerie