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Man Who Attacked Guyanese Presidential Residence Identified As Nigerian

Man Who Attacked Guyanese Presidential Residence Identified As Nigerian

A man who launched a lone attack on the official residence of the Guyanese president, Irfaan Ali, on Thursday, has been identified as a Nigerian, named, Bethel Ikenna Chimezie.

According to reports from the South American country media, Chimezie had entered State House’s south-eastern guard room and demanded to see the President early Thursday. He allegedly whipped out a knife and stabbed a policeman several times to his neck and other areas of his body.

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Demerara Waves reports that the Guyana Police Force said a request has been dispatched to the International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL) for more information on the Nigerian.

Police said Chimezie was employed at a cleaning service before the incident. “The GPF has requested via INTERPOL a comprehensive background check on him; also whether he has any criminal history or whether he is linked to any criminal group,” a senior police officer told Demerara Waves Online News.

Chimezie is currently in the hospital for series of surgeries for gunshot injuries to his head, torso and leg that were inflicted when presidential guards opened fire on him.

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The policeman he stabbed is also in the hospital.

Photo credit: Caribbean//Loop News



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