For a long time, my nails were constantly breaking and snapping. I wanted to grow my nails but could never get them past a certain length and was wondering why my nails were breaking so much. I used to have long and very strong nails, so I couldn’t work out why my nails were thin, almost bendy and prone to snagging.
It turns out there can be a whole host of reasons why your nails—either natural or artificial—might be breaking. Our lifestyles, nail care, how we use our hands and even our diets can play a big role in how strong our nails are.
So, if you’re wondering my your nails are breaking, look no further. I spoke to two top nail technicians, Ami Streets and Katie Barnes, to share their insight on some of the most common reasons for nail breakage, as well as how to ensure your nails can grow long and strong.

Tagged: nails