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2023: Atiku Abubakar meet Christian and Muslims leaders in Jos

2023: Atiku Abubakar meet Christian and Muslims leaders in Jos

Ahead of his campaign in Jos, the People Democratic party, PDP Presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar meet both faith leaders in Jos.

Sharing the photos on his Facebook page, Atiku Abubakar said:

“This morning, I met separately with the Anglican Archbishop Benjamin Kwashi and Jama’atul Nasaru Islam under the leadership of Emir of Wase Muhammad Haruna Abdullahi at the Central Mosque Jos.

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Both meetings are in continuation of the PDP Recovery team’s mission to unify the country. I am glad at the outcome of these meetings. I’m even more convinced that a united, prosperous Nigeria is on the horizon. As ONE, we shall get it done. -AA”



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