The story behind Balenciaga’s controversial campaign is getting more convoluted. They have filed a lawsuit against the production company who did the shoot.
As spotted on Hype Beast the luxury label is fighting to keep their name clean amidst their most recent visuals which were largely deemed to be in poor taste. Last week the brand released a commercial on their social media channels featuring children holding teddy bears dressed in bondage. Gabriele Galimberti, the photographer, claimed the images were part of a project series called “Toy Stories”. Balenciaga later apologized after heavy criticism and removed all posts connected to the photo campaign. Hours later, Balenciaga apologized for a separate, earlier advertisement, which displays the text from a Supreme Court opinion in the Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition child pornography case.
This week Balenciaga has just announced it is taking legal action against the production company North Six and set designer Nicholas Des Jardins, responsible for the advertisement with the child pornography court document for $25 million dollars. According to a statement provided to CNN the brand claims all the states included in this shooting were provided by third parties that confirmed in writing that these props were fake office documents. They turned out to be real legal papers most likely coming from the filming of a television drama.” Additionally, the document claims North Six’s “inexplicable acts and omissions were malevolent or, at the very least, extraordinarily reckless.”
Amelia K. Brankov, attorney for Nicholas Des Jardins, begs to differ. The lawyer has responded saying “representatives from Balenciaga were present at the shoot, overseeing it and handling papers and props, and Des Jardins as a set designer was not responsible for image selection from the shoot.” Representatives from North Six also say they “did not have creative input or control over the shoot. North Six was not on set during the final set arrangements.”
Balenciaga has not responded to Brankov nor North Six.
Tagged: Balenciaga, Campaign, Controversy, entertainment blog, Kim Kardashian, music blog, NEWS