Donda Academy, the learning institution established by Ye aka Kanye West, continues to suffer due to the actions of its founder. An upcoming game between the Donda Academy Doves basketball team and The Skill Factory hosted at Morehouse College was canceled by leaders at the famed HBCU.
A tweet from Morehouse College held a statement announcing the cancellation of its upcoming basketball tournament showcase. The event was to take place on Nov. 6 on the campus of Morehouse, and it also appears that it was an event to show the players and their families some of the finer points of the college’s educational impact.
The Skill Factory is an organized youth basketball club based in the Atlanta region. Denver Nuggets Assistant Coach John Beckett, Georgetown University Player Development Coach Vern Hamilton, Atlanta Hawks video assistant Cam Baskerville, and Los Angeles Clippers Player Development Coach Shaun Fein are among the coaches working for the organization.
Photo: Getty
Tagged: donda academy, entertainment blog, kanye west, music blog, NEWS, Newsletter, Ye