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He forced me to get pregnant before marriage I didn’t know he had evil plans for me pregnancy. A lady cries out

He forced me to get pregnant before marriage I didn’t know he had evil plans for me pregnancy. A lady cries out

A pretty young lady from Benue State who is just 29 years old revealed how Baba rescue her for not allowing her womb to be used for ritual.

According to the lady her boy friend took her to an herbalist who disguised himself as prophet would have used her womb for ritual,if not because of Baba who came for her rescue.

The lady said her boy friend connived with the ritualist to use her womb for money ritual by having sex with the herbalist to open her womb spiritually. The herbalist who pretended as a Man of God said she can only conceive for her boyfriend by having Spiritual sex with him.

Mean while, her boyfriend has been urging her to conceive for him before they can get married but because of the love she have for him .She decided to follow him to the place. The boy friend accused her of been a barren lady for not conceiving to him for the number of years they have spent together in courtship.

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The apparently worried lady was confused and told her boy friend to give her time to think about it and left the place immediately. Her boy friend threatened that ,if she refused to comply he may have no option than to leave her.

The threat of the boyfriend made her to seek for advice from people and they all concluded that he is not ready to marry her because there are many alternative ways of looking for the fruit of the womb not by having sex with an herbalist.

One of those

 who advised her was unable to conceive for a number of years after married to her husband advised her to visit Chief Dr Ohanu Spiritual temple, phone+2348088077395. WhatsApp+2348088077395. Address No 43 college road Mgbidi Oru west along owerri-Onitsha Exp way, Imo state Nigeria. The woman was emphatic that the Spiritualist enable her to have the fruit of the womb after many visitation to hospital and other traditional doctors failed her woefully.

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The lady located the address and discussed her predicament with the spiritualist who told her that she would have been used for money ritual,if not God that rescued her from the evil plans of the pretentious fake prophet.

The Spiritualist asked her to buy some few Spiritual items in the market and use them to open her womb. The Spiritualist further said,her womb have been blocked by enemies who doesn’t want her to bear children after marrige and the same people are responsible for her inability to get the rightful man God has chosen for her. Now that she has been set free from every form of Spiritual encoumbrances . She will meet a man who will love her wholeheartedly within 3 months.

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She came back home and eventually met a man who seek for her hand in marriage and they later got married with a big marrige celebration. Few months after their marriage she got pregnant and put to bed a bouncing baby boy. This was how Baba rescue her from the evil plans of her ex-boy friend who never love her , but wanted to use her womb for ritual.

In case you are looking for the fruit of the womb after being tired of Doctors medications and advise. You may contact Chief Dr Ohanu for solution. Baba doesn’t demand for your money at first, but interested in finding a lasting solution to your problem.



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