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2023: Am alive and healthy to serve Nigeria – Tinubu Say as he release video excersing (VIDEO)

2023: Am alive and healthy to serve Nigeria – Tinubu Say as he release video excersing (VIDEO)

APC Presidential Candidate, Ahmed Bola Tinubu has released video of himself exercising on his Twitter handle.

Tinubu release the video to show how physically fits to serve Nigeria.

In a tweet that follow that follow the video, Tinubu said:

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READ ALSO  2023: Tee Mac Makes U-turn, Says Tinubu is Competent to Lead Nigeria

“Many have said I have died; others claim I have withdrawn from the presidential campaign.

Well… Nope.

This is the reality: I am strong, I am healthy and I am READY to serve Nigerians from Day One.




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