Source: Miami Herald / Getty
On Sunday, Rudy Giuliani celebrated Easter by resurrecting his whitey rage in attacking Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones and The 1619 Project, which he appears to blame for a cultural shift in America that recognizes a nation built on blood, sweat and white supremacy.
“All that stuff we’ve been going through with burning the flag and kneeling during the national anthem and taking down statues of George Washington is to get us to hate our country,” Giuliani Klan-splained during the Easter broadcast on his radio show. “It’s not just meaningless or silly conduct or annoying conduct. There’s a purpose to it!”
That’s right, good people, silent protests against brutality and the removal of stone odes to slave masters are among actions that are tearing down the fabric of our society, according to the ex NYC mayor and unintentional Penquin cosplayer who seems to be forgetting how he aided Donald Trump in his attempt at concealing democracy after his 2020 loss.
“The people that organize it know what they’re doing,” Giuliani continued. “They’re getting us to hate America when you write (The 1619 Project)—that stupid woman is the one that said parents should have nothing to do with the educations of their children. The stupid woman who wrote that said I wouldn’t interfere in my child’s education. After all, I’m not an educator.”
For the record: No one is saying parents shouldn’t have a say in the way their children are educated. But right now educational systems are banning entire school curriculums just because white people are shouting “critical race theory” and “two genders only” at everything that moves and, with the help and leadership of Republican lawmakers, they’re making it so that educators can’t educate without sanitizing lessons for white consumption. And those parents shouldn’t be allowed to do that.
Anyway, Giulian continued with his angry and fragile white man rant.
“Yet, she wrote a history that’s being used in thousands of schools!” he said referring, again, to The 1619 Project, which he wrongly called “fiction.”
“Nobody points out the contradiction of this New York Times arrogant jerk,” he said in reference to Hannah-Jones.
Again, Giuliani accusing anyone of spreading “fiction” is hilarious considering how he was Trump’s lead attorney in spreading, without a shred of tangible evidence, “stop the steal” propaganda about a fair and secure presidential election that Trump simply lost.
Giuliani is also probably not the best person to be judging what accurate American history is since he couldn’t even remember under whose presidency 9/11 happened.
Maybe Giuliani needs to calm down on this one and STFU.
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