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Paul McCartney Backs PETA’s Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Initiative: ‘No Animal Should Suffer for Beauty’

Paul McCartney Backs PETA’s Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Initiative: ‘No Animal Should Suffer for Beauty’

Paul McCartney is continuing his work with PETA — this time advocating for the nonprofit animal rights organization’s “Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics” European Citizen’s Initiative to uphold the ban of animal testing for cosmetic items.

The Beatles legend issued a statement through PETA to both show his support for the initiative and vehemently oppose the European Chemical Agency’s current practices.


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“We all thought the battle was over and that cosmetics tests on animals in Europe were a thing of the past, but sadly, that’s not the case,” his statement reads. “The European Chemicals Agency continues to demand the use of thousands of rabbits, rats, fish, and other animals in cosmetics ingredients tests. But you can help put a stop to it. No animal should suffer for beauty, so if you’re an EU citizen, please go to SaveCrueltyFree.eu and sign the European Citizens’ Initiative to protect the ban. Signing the petition takes only a minute—and it will help save lives.”

The veteran rock star also teamed up with PETA for his 78th birthday in 2020, when a video for the organization titled “Glass Walls” showed how horrific animal slaughterhouse conditions are. “That’s why this year I’m urging fans to watch a video I hosted for PETA titled ‘Glass Walls.’ We called it that because if slaughterhouses had glass walls, who would want to eat meat?” he wrote in a guest blog for the group.

McCartney most recently urged leaders at COP26 — the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference — to address that animal agriculture has a detrimental effect on the environment.

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