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3 Best New Cryptocurrency Coins to Invest in For 2022

3 Best New Cryptocurrency Coins to Invest in For 2022

Many people include you that is reading this post must have missed, Binance coins in 2017 when it is not up to Dollar.

You must have missed Ethereum in 2014 when the price is still low.

You must have missed Bitcoin in 2009 when it was free.

Just as how all this tops Coins Started few years ago, Many others Coins have begin their Journey that will yield a better results in the feature.

So in this post, we are going to point out some legit tokens that will possibly make you a millionaire if not billionaire if you invest in them early this year.

Some of the Tokens are;

1 Safemoon

Safemoon was launch March last year, a Token build on Binance Blockchain.

The token gain popularity soon when it was launch, that quickly send the price high.

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According to the report, Safemoon made many people, mostly the early investors millionaire.

In a bids to keep to there road map, safemoon on December last year switch from V1 to V2.

The V2 have the total supply crash to 1,000,000,000,000,000 instead of 100,000,000,000,000,000 of V1.

According to the team behind project, V1 will allowed Safemoon to migrates to their own Blockchain when it is available.

Safemoon up till now have not been Listed in the main Cryptocurrency trading platform, like Binance, Roqqu, and Coinbase.

As the time of this written, Safemoon is traded at $0.002.

By the end of this year, the Token will get it own blockchain, that Will facilitates major trading platform to list it, and when that happens, safemoon price with surge above $1.

Read more about Safemoon on it official website

2. French Connection Finance (FCF)

French Connection Finance, another best token out there that have proven that they are serious and they mean what they said.

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The Token was also launch on Binance Blockchain.

It was launch last year.

Beta Testing of French Connection Finance, call FCFPAY is currently on testing.

FCFPAY is an online payments platform that will be integrated to Woocommerce and major online shopping websites that will allowed buyers to pay for goods and services with cryptocurrency Coins.

According to the team behind the project, FCFPAY will allowed people to pays with Bitcoin, Ethereum and other selected Coins.

This process will not required your credit anymore.

FCFPAY was developed by FCF tokens.

Currently FCF is traded at $0.0001.

It has total supply of 100,000,000,000.

When the payment will be fully release March this year, the price of the Tokens will surge above $1.

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Read more about FCF on it official website

The next on our list is Baby Doges.

3. Baby Doges

Baby Doges is a high deflationary tokens build on Binance Blockchain.

Baby Doges have the hight marking strategies.

The tokens was launch last, with aim of become scars as time passed.

Presently Baby Doges can be bought with fiat Money directly on trust wallet.

Baby Doges is traded right now at $0.000000005.

All this three Token has not been Listed in any major trading platform.

So have in mind the prices will surges immediately Binance or any other major trading platform Listed them.

Read more about Baby Doges on it official website


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