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DJ Cuppy Revealed How She Feel by Going bald

DJ Cuppy Revealed How She Feel by Going bald
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The Nigerian Billionaire Daughter, DJ Cuppy has taken to her twitter handle to reveal how she feel for going bald.

In a post thanking her followers for their support, Cuppy said going bald was so scary to her.

According to her:

My Twitter Cupcakes!


I honestly love the fact that you like my new hair, I see your comments… Going bald was a scary and bold move for me so I appreciate every single one of you supporting me and welcoming this new CUPPY

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    FB IMG 1642105580495 Facebook WhatsApp Reddit Twitter Shares The Nigerian Billionaire Daughter, DJ Cuppy has taken to her twitter handle to reveal how
    [See the full post at: DJ Cuppy Revealed How She Feel by Going bald]

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