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The Kano State Hisbah Commander, Sheikh Harun Ibn Sina has said that they will invite the parents of Miss Shatu Garko, winner of the Miss Nigeria beauty pageant, to discuss the reason(s) behind her participation in the pageant.
“We (Hisbah) have confirmed that Shatu Garko is a Muslim from Kano State and her parents come from Garko Local Government Area. Kano is a Sharia state and this is why we won’t allow the matter to go like that.
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“We will invite the parents to talk to them about the actions of their daughter and the fact that what she did was illegal in Islam in case they don’t know so that she won’t continue on that path and other girls will not copy her,” Ibn Sina told BBC News Pidgin.
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Tagged: #naijablogs, #naijanews, Hisbah, Islam