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No govt since 1999 has done what we have done in six years to put Nigeria back on track – Buhari Remind Nigeriana

No govt since 1999 has done what we have done in six years to put Nigeria back on track – Buhari Remind Nigeriana

President Muhammadu Buhari has said his administration is the best that has ever happened to Nigeria.

Buhari made this known after presiding over weekly Federal Executive Meeting in Abuja yesterday.

The President who listed some of the directives he gave stated that no government since 1999 has done what his administration has done in six years to put Nigeria on track.

The President who seem not to border about deteriorating security challenge in the country, didn’t mention anything concerning the incessant killing in the North and other part of the country, but he said many people who didn’t want well for Nigeria are doing everything possible to draw the country backwards.

Buhari said:

Today I presided over the weekly Federal Executive Council (FEC) Meeting, at the State House.

The Council approved a number of Memoranda that will positively and significantly impact the areas of Security and Police Reform, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Electricity Supply.

The Council approved an increase in the Take-Home Pay of our Police Officers, by way of increases in existing allowances like Duty Tour Allowance, Rent Subsidy, Shift Duty Allowances, and others, as well as the creation of a new special Allowance.

Funds have also today been approved to cover a number of areas such as insurance premiums, death benefits and burial expenses for fallen personnel, and the repairs and replacement of damaged police infrastructure and assets.

Also approved was a Tax Waiver that will apply to junior personnel in the Force, which will also ensure that they are able to go home with more money each month.

Our commitment to Police welfare should never be in doubt. We have made promises in this regard in the past, and we intend to fulfill them all to the letter.

The Council approved the Nigeria Startup Bill (NSB), which will ensure an enabling environment and regulatory support for our Startups.

I have directed the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy and the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Federation to ensure that this transformative Bill is speedily transmitted to the National Assembly for deliberation and passage.

The Nigeria Startup Bill, the product of a collaboration between the Presidency, the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, and the Private Sector, will create a National Council for Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship, chaired by the President, and with all relevant stakeholders on board.

The Bill also provides for the establishment of a Federal Government Seed Fund for Nigerian startups and innovators, and National Innovation Parks and Hubs, as well as tax and other fiscal incentives to support Nigerian innovation.

The Council approved the award of contract for equipment for the transmission component of the Presidential Power Initiative (PPI), our flagship intervention to modernize and upgrade power transmission and distribution infrastructure in the country. In addition Council approved the engagement of Transaction Advisers and other Consultants for the implementation of the first phase of the PPI.

I remain very confident that the Presidential Power Initiative will be a game-changer in our overall multi-pronged effort to achieve electricity self-sufficiency in Nigeria.

I will remind Nigerians of what I said in my 2021 Independence Day Speech:

“A lot has been achieved in the last six years on many fronts: in infrastructure, social care, governance, Nigeria’s image and influence in Africa and the international community. But critics misdiagnose incremental progress as stagnation. Since coming to power, this Administration has tackled our problems head-on in spite of the meagre resources. No government since 1999 has done what we have done in six years to put Nigeria back on track. We shall continue to serve the country: listen to all and protect our democracy and country.”

So help us God.

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