“I put the Tik in TikTok,” reads Leighton Clarke’s TikTok bio. Affectionately known as Uncle Tics, Clarke isn’t letting his Tourette syndrome get in the way of learning the art of DJing.
Uncle Tics told himself at the beginning of New Zealand’s pandemic lockdown that he was going to learn a new skill. So he picked up DJing and his TikTok fanbase has been nothing but supportive, with many stating that they would love to see him perform at a music festival.
Take a look at the first video of his “Tourettes vs DJ’ing” series below. In the clip, Uncle Tics drops a number of high-energy drum & bass tracks as he shouts parts of “Circle of Life” from The Lion King—as well as some NSFW remarks we can’t transcribe here.
The EDM community has opened its arms to support people with disabilities throughout the years. Back in February we spoke with an electronic music producer named DJ Hugito, who suffers from a rare bone disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
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“Electronic music has been a part of my life for a long time. Especially since I’ve spent a lot of time in bed because of my disease,” Huguito told EDM.com at the time. “I’ve had over 200 fractures growing up. Listening to music was my way of healing.”
You can keep up with Uncle Tics via his TikTok page.