Twitch has introduced a wholesome new streaming category for users who enjoy looking at cute pet videos. Though there have always been channels that showcase animals across a variety of the platform’s other categories, Animals, Aquariums, and Zoos conveniently consolidates all of the animal streams to one space.
The channels listed in the category offer a glimpse at a variety of animal species, from a hive of honeybees to ducks swimming in a pond. A few of the channels are run by animal rescues and conservations, giving viewers insight into the day-to-day operations of caring for endangered species, including sea otters, wolves and more.
Other streamers simply document what it’s like caring for their pets, such as the Malaysia-based channel QBunnyTV, whose owners publish a schedule of when viewers can tune in to watch them feed their bunnies.
In a blog post, Twitch said that it would be launching Animal Week in tandem with the category’s debut. From November 1 to 7, the platform will use the Animals, Aquariums, and Zoos to promote educational resources on animal wellbeing, endangered species and biodiversity.
“Dedicating a space to our wonderful companions isn’t just a morale booster — it’s an exciting way to elevate the importance of environmental and conservation issues facing these critters of varying sizes and origin,” Twitch wrote. “We’re working with zoos, aquariums, and animal non-profits to elevate the animals, their conservation, and the restoration and conservation of the environment they need to thrive.
Twitch has shared a streaming schedule in the post, introducing viewers to some of the channels listed in Animals, Aquariums, and Zoos, and a list of charities and sanctuaries working to support animal welfare. The platform has also offered to help out zoos, aquariums and animal non-profits interested in launching streaming channels.
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