Source: Steve Azzara / Getty
The battle over the estate of the late, great Earl “DMX” Simmons after his untimely death has been tumultuous, but things seem to be getting in order. The oldest sons of the Yonkers rapper have been officially named the administrators of his estate which is potentially worth at least six figures.
Dark Man X’s family issued a statement announcing the late rapper’s oldest sons—Xavier Simmons, Sean Simmons and Tacoma Simmons, all with his ex-wife Tashera Simmons—have been appointed as temporary co-administrators of his estate. The decision was handed down by Westchester county Surrogate’s Court on Monday, October 25.
“They will now exclusively manage the affairs of their late father’s estate,” reads the statement. “The estate has retained entertainment attorney Ron Sweeney of Ron Sweeney and Company to exclusively handle all entertainment related matters. Estate Attorney, Herb Nass is the attorney for the Earl ‘DMX’ Simmons estate and the sons as co-administrators.”
The tumult surrounding DMX’s estate was due to the rapper passing away without a will. X’s fiancee, Desiree Lindstrom, petitioned to be his estate administrator but she was denied by a judge. Most recently, a Georgia woman named Raven Barmer-Simmons has come forward claiming she is Simmons’ daughter, which would place his total number of children at 15.
Needless to say, paternity tests to establish who’s who, for the record, are forthcoming.
DMX passed away on April 9 after suffering a cocaine-induced heart attack, per the Westchester County medical examiner’s office, about a week prior to his death.