When you decide to redecorate, whether you’re in a rented place or one you own, it can feel overwhelming. For months, I have been saving random images, screenshots and torn out pictures from home design magazines to get a good idea of what I want my house to look like. It’s fun, of course, but it’s also starting to get a bit confusing about what I really want. Happily, it turns out there are plenty of fashion influencers who have recently redecorated or just have impeccable taste when it comes to interiors and who I’m stealing ideas from.
There’s Laura Jackson, who has the most exceptional eye for detail when it comes to finding just the right vintage piece—she has a more maximalist style but it feels super homey. Then there’s the opposite in the form of a more minimalist approach championed by Monikh Dale and Brittany Bathgate. Here, you’ll find every home-design rule I’ve learnt from following these influencers (as well as a few others), and which pieces are guaranteed to add a bit of extra oomph to your home…