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Concerts Get the Green Light in the Netherlands Ahead of Amsterdam Dance Event, Lowlands

Concerts Get the Green Light in the Netherlands Ahead of Amsterdam Dance Event, Lowlands

Now more than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, the light at the end of the tunnel is shining brighter than ever as countries gradually decrease their lockdown restrictions. The Netherlands, for example, has now announced its third wave of rule relaxations, with the country’s latest round of updates including a green light for ticketed concerts and festivals to return on June 5th, the NL Times reports.

The news is especially promising for electronic music staples scheduled for this summer, such as Amsterdam Dance Event and Lowlands. 


The Netherlands’ annual three-day music and performing arts festival, Lowlands.

Bart Heemskerk

According to Dutch Health Minister Hugo de Jonge, contact tracing app Coronamelder will be a key element for safely ushering in the return of live music. The platform will generate admission tickets, popularly dubbed “corona passports,” when attendees upload their negative test results to its interface.

Fully vaccinated people, de Jonge added, will for the most part be allowed to bypass this requirement. If all goes well, the government plans to announce more restriction lifts on June 30th. 

The neighboring Belgian government, which holds sway over the anticipated 2021 edition of Tomorrowland, has also expressed interest in approving large festivals in the near future. With its government hoping to fully reopen on September 1st, updates from The Netherlands will likely influence if live music can return there even sooner. 

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