WhatsApp has unveiled a new progress animation to show iOS users exactly when a voice note ends.
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According to WABetaInfo, the UI animation update is available on iOS 13 and newer versions. And in this update, if Read Receipts are disabled (WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy) the recipient won’t be notified when voice messages are played.
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“We don’t know if WhatsApp will restore the old behaviour in the next updates (because they didn’t implement this change in the Android version yet), but at the moment the situation is so.”
WhatsApp Explains its Privacy Policy Update
WhatsApp is set to clear ‘any confusion’ around its controversial privacy policy by inviting users to check out the policy again – this time at their own pace.
The messaging platform believes that its users want more information; like whether or not WhatsApp and Facebook can read or listen to personal conversations, keep logs of who everyone is messaging or share contact lists with Facebook.
“We’re going to include more information that people can read within WhatsApp and give people more time to review the terms and privacy policy at their own pace,” reads a statement from the company.
Starting in a few weeks, some users will see a small banner that will invite them to check out these policies again. Tapping on “review” will bring up a deeper summary.
Users who click on ‘more information here’ at the bottom of the second screen will be taken to a new landing page on the WhatsApp website with more information about the update. They can then decide to accept or reject the new policy.
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