At this time of the year, many of us overhaul various areas of our lives. Spring cleaning now applies to everything, from our homes and wardrobes through to our emotional boundaries and social media follows, and there’s something about the warmer weather and gloriously long(er) days that brings out the urge for pro-active change. However, one thing that we often forget to check in for a well-timed review is our skincare routine.
Skin is temperamental and it’s affected by so many factors, and yes, that always includes seasonal changes. Increased UV-ray exposure and the rising temperature can have an impact on your skin, and not necessarily a good one.
While layering serums, oils and heavier balms served us well during the coldest moments in winter, the warmer months call for a radically different approach. This means putting in place a revised routine, and who better to help than a dermatologist? We spoke to Dr Justine Kluk for her top tips when it comes to spring cleaning your skincare routine, so now it’s time to study hard and pay attention!
Tagged: skin