Name Tom Petersson
Best known for Cheap Trick, 12-string bass guitarist.
Current city Nashville, TN.
Really want to be in London, England. I would wander the streets aimlessly for the rest of my life.
Excited about I’m always excited about recording and releasing new albums.
My current music collection has a lot of I love the diverse music they play on NPR and love hearing music I would never think to listen to. I like surprises!
Don’t judge me for Nothing to report about embarrassing records I like – but I probably wouldn’t mention it if I did!
Preferred format CD – easier to transport. Vinyl – for reading credits.
5 Albums I Can’t Live Without:
The Beatles (White Album)
The Beatles
Since I was a teenager in the 1960s, I heard and loved all the Beatles records in real-time. Rick Nielsen and I went to London in 1968 and the White Album was released while we were there. That may have something to do with it being my favorite, but I don’t think so.
Beggars Banquet
The Rolling Stones
I’ve always loved the Rolling Stones and heard this record for the first time while in London in 1968.
Electric Ladyland
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
I loved everything about The Experience and their first three studio LPs, but this would be my favorite.
The Jeff Beck Group
When this album came out, we had just started to play our own music and this is the group we wanted to be. Jeff Beck is still my favorite guitarist and I loved Ronnie Wood’s bass playing and sound.
Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire)
The Kinks
The Kinks were one of my early favorite British Invasion groups and this album is an all-around beautiful story, unlike anything they had done in the beginning.