Name Brian Wilson
Best known for My music and good looks.
Current city Beverly Hills, CA.
Really want to be in Los Angeles, CA, making music.
Excited about My new documentary Brian Wilson: Long Promised Roadand my new album At My Piano.
My current music collection has a lot of Classics: ‘60s, ‘70s and actually ‘80s, too.
You wouldn’t expect me to listen to I like the song “Eyes Without a Face” by Billy Idol. LOVE that song.
Preferred format Streaming…its easy.
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5 Albums I Can’t Live Without
Pet Sounds
The Beach Boys
I love the music…of course…and the album means LOVE.
Between the Buttons
The Rolling Stones
At least for today…I’m thinking about this album. The song “My Obsession” is, well…I’m obsessed with it.
Sail Away
Randy Newman
It’s the BEST. I love Randy…his music means a lot to me.
The Beatles
What the heck is not to love? It’s some of Paul’s best work. His vocals are amazing.
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Beatles
It was the answer to Pet Soundsand made me push to do better.