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4 reasons you should eat pap more often

4 reasons you should eat pap more often
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Corn pap, also known as akamu, ogi, koko, or eko, is a Nigerian fermented maize cereal pudding. This superlight food has been around for decades and is consumed by a large number of Nigerians. The health benefits of pap are discussed in this article.

1. Good source of energy

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It goes without introduction that pap is a source of carbohydrate, therefore, energy. And in it’s paste form, it is easily digestible. That is why it’s occasionally recommended to athletes in order to keep them running throughout the day. READ FULL STORY



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    Share 2 Whatsapp reddit Tweet 0 2Shares Corn pap, also known as akamu, ogi, koko, or eko, is a Nigerian fermented maize cereal pudding. This superligh
    [See the full post at: 4 reasons you should eat pap more often]

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