SlumberPod is a woman-owned small business that appeared on Shark Tank as a portable way to give kids a dark, private place to sleep even when the family is traveling away from home.
My brother and SIL swear by this thing when they travel, which is quite often, to keep their (very cute) son on a consistent sleep schedule when they’re out of the house. I’ve helped set it up several times and can attest that assembly is quick and easy-peasy.
Promising review: “We bought the SlumberPod on the recommendation of several friends before our family vacation. Our son was a chronic early riser, especially if even a tiny bit of light got in his room. I was dreading our vacation and certain I was in for 5 a.m. wake-ups every day. The first morning after using the SlumberPod, he slept until nearly 7 a.m. (for the first time in months). Every night and for every nap, the baby went down without complaint in the perfectly dark SlumberPod and often had to be woken up from naps because he was out cold! I was also nervous that the temperature would be iffy with zipping the baby into what is essentially a tent, but it was well ventilated!! Absolutely recommend this product to any parent who wants to travel with their little ones and still ensure a good night’s sleep — worth every penny!” —Brianna
Get it from Amazon for $174.99+ (available in six styles).