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1Password’s family plan is 50 percent off for Verge readers

1Password’s family plan is 50 percent off for Verge readers

This story is part of a group of stories called Verge Deals

Only the best deals on Verge-approved gadgets get the Verge Deals stamp of approval, so if you’re looking for a deal on your next gadget or gift from major retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, Target, and more, this is the place to be.

1Password is offering Verge readers a big discount on a family subscription to its password managing software through Thursday, April 15th. Normally $5 per month, buying into this deal will get you a year’s worth of service for $2.50 per month, totaling $30 by the end of the year. Once the year is up, your monthly cost will go up to $5 per month if you choose to continue with the service. This deal is valid for new users only, not returning customers.

This purchase will grant up to five people (not restricted to your household) with individual access to the service — which, in addition to managing their own passwords, lets each person store sensitive documents and info securely with 1GB of storage. You can read more about the 1Password Families plan right here.

This service isn’t limited to just your iOS or Android phone. 1Password also has a Mac app (as of early March, it natively supports M1 processors), a Windows 10 app, or you can just log on through your browser.

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