The art of storytelling is a simple yet vital part of songwriting — in particular the lyrical part. It can make or break an artist and it’s something Kate Vargas is quite adept at.
Though she’s admittedly mellowed in recent times, Vargas’ intricate, yet vibrant words continue to shine with energy and vigor. It’s apparent on many of the songs on Rumpumpo, her latest album, released in July, and a sterling effort that allows for her distinctive gravelly voice to shine alongside her blend of melodic folk and blues.
Stepping back, the New Mexico-born, New York City-dwelling Vargas has been on many folks’ must-watch lists and with good reason. She’s dazzled crowds all over the world, notably Ireland’s Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival to The Troubadour in London, The Mansion on O Street in Washington D.C. to New York’s Bowery Electric.
Today, Vargas will join UPSAHL, KANDLE, Cha Wa, Sam Himself, Rozzi, Nick Waterhouse, Dominique Fils-Aimé, Sub-Radio, Cedric Burnside, Naia Izumi, Grace Weber, India Carney and STACEY to showcase their talents in our 15 Minute Live Performance series.